by Mitch Albom
I read this book b/c Tuesdays with Morrie was THE BOOK of our honeymoon. We laid by the pool and drank those frozen strawberry drinks with backscratcher straws (I can't remember their names ???) and read Albom.
And I had to give the guy a chance.
Apparently, this book left me feeling quite spiritual and peaceful. "the secret of heaven - that each affects the other and the other affects the next; and the world is full of stories, but the stories all are one."
Come again?
I should probably read this one again with an entirely new perspective. But I may be a little too cynical now, sadly. Which is not to say that I don't believe in Heaven. I just don't believe in the Heaven that is all sweetly wrapped up and tied with a red ribbon - Albom style.
And now I've done it. Written about politics and religion in this blog. My bad.