1/27/2008 – In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan ***
Why: I always wanted to read Omnivore’s Dilemma. When this came out, I wanted to read it instantly.
First Impression: I was completely drawn to this book and bought it instantly. I felt that it could make an immediate impact on my life and how I thought about food. I cruised through the first section of the book on nutritionism and found it so interesting why we eat what we eat. Couldn’t read fast enough.
Emotions Felt: Inspiring. Made me want to change my habits and change my life.
Favorite Character: Non-fiction. Favorite part of the novel was at the end when readers are given instruction on how to eat. By that point, I was completely confused.
Any Remaining Questions: How does one get everybody to read this book so cake and cookies and coffee and sugar are not a permanent part of our society and the rituals of eating these items what make us feel so good and whole.
Favorite Quote: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. One of those books I read with a pencil and knew I wouldn’t be able to remember or quote all of its genius.
Who Would Like This Book: Sarah, Erica & Kate. The whole Vanaheim book club ???
Other Books by This Author: Omnivore’s Dilemma, which I must, must read.