2/17/2008 – Julie & Julia by Julie Powell *
Why: I have wanted to read the book for ever. The idea is crazy enough that I would embrace it myself.
First Impression: Disappointing. She seemed like a whiny thirty year old. A far cry from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love adventure in finding herself.
Emotions Felt: Nothing really. That was the problem. I felt happiness when her husband Eric and friends would come to her rescue. I could relate to the high school sweetheart aspect of her relationship and was jealous of how committed Eric seemed to her project and her success. Ultimately patient. Also disgust when she was killing the lobster and cooking the brains and cleaning up maggots. EEEEEWWWW.
Favorite Character: Eric. See above.
Any Remaining Questions: Do they end up having a child?
Favorite Quote: “the guy who makes sure none of it is unbearable. Not ever.” The perfect description of the perfect husband. I loved his compassion for Julie.
Who Would Like This Book: Not sure I would recommend it. Just lukewarm.
Other Books by this Author: First novel. We’ll have to see.