5/31/2008 – The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls *
Why: Suggested at our last Vanaheim book club, I think by Jess. Unfortunately, our book club never meets. I finished the book and the meeting got canceled. Oh well.
First Impressions: The book was very hard for me to get in to. I started finding it interesting when she came into her teens and they had to move to Arizona and then Welch, West Virginia. I wanted to hear more about how she made the transition out of poverty and moved to NYC. After a very long build-up, the end came fast.
Emotions Felt: The book reminded me of students and families I work with in Stillwater (the Wrobel family especially and Samantha Thompson). I felt terrible about how the kids rooted through the garbage for food and especially when Dad took her to the bar and she was almost raped. And when Uncle Stanley tried to take advantage. Though she described her parents with a great deal of love, it was clear that there was generational poverty at play and a history of abuse and mental illness. You could see that in how Maureen developed as a character later on.
Any Remaining Questions: Is this all true or just a James Frey phenomenon. Will it be made into a movie and who should play the characters?
Favorite Quotes: None that come to mind
Who Would Like This Book: I did not like this book nearly as much as all the reviewers seem to. I seem to be in the minority though because it appears to be beloved by all.