11/30/2008 - My Life in France by Julia Child *
Why: I was pulled by the allure of France and cooking to learn more about this famous chef. I heard good things about the book while in Red Balloon – that it was a love story. Rachel picked it for what turned out to be our last official Vanaheim book club.
Emotions Felt: boredom, perhaps jealously but maybe just disbelief that someone would spend her days at cooking school and be so utterly free of commitments or worries
Remaining Questions: How did it end? I guess the book completes her life, including her sojourn to popularity in America and her husband’s death. I didn’t finish because I got bored with the quail and rabbit and other game meat. The chapters were too long.
Who Would Like This Book: Sarah loved it. Couldn’t quite understand why but she had her reasons.