Reading this novel marks a significant departure for me in three ways:

1) I am embracing the Washington County Library and a new book budget of $15/month. Really.
2) It makes me want to explore more deeply the beliefs of the Unitarian church.
Did you know, for example, that it was the Unitarian Julia Ward Howe whom established Mother's Day? It was originally a call for peace and disarmament so that mothers could have a day without worry for their sons in battle.
2) I am departing from the book 2666. I shall return, perhaps.
The book Marriage and Other Acts of Charity is written by Kate Braestrup. I think I offended Matt by the title of this book. But, really this is a book about caritas (the Latin word for charity). A word that describes a kind of love that is unconditional, selfless and self-giving. The author lost this kind of love in her first marriage but found it again through reflection and acts of charity.
And then tragically, Kate lost her husband in a traffic accident. She is now a Unitarian Universalist minister and game warden for the Maine warden service. The novel reads like the funniest, most intelligent sermon on love and God that you've ever heard. It's a book that I could pick up again and again for its insight, charm and perspective.
But, unfortunately, I'll have to buy it first - within my $15 budget for the month of May.
My favorite quote:
If your heart breaks, let it break open. Love more.