Deep Economy brings together the ideas of the environmentalists and foodies and nutritionists and politicians that have scared the beejeezus out of us lately talking about our dismal future. McKibben plants seed of hopefulness and I was rather intrigued to hear about ideas that are working round the globe in getting people to think smaller and think local. I loved the year of eating seasonally and locally section and it made me want to re-read Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle book.
I'm wishing that my husband would read this book but know that I owe him a read off his bookshelf first.
I wish I could say more. It was a profound book but perhaps a little too profound for a pregnant lady just trying to beat the heat in August. Go to if you want to hear more about 10/10/10 - a day set aside to fight against global warming and save our precious Earth.
Eager for the book club discussion.