This novel was an impulse buy at a weak moment. I saw it on the sale rack at BNoble and knew that I could read the book in an instant. I have loved reading the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books so this felt like just what the doctor ordered.
The novel reminds me so incredibly much of my favorite teenage book - Just A Summer Romance. I'm left completely enamored with the geographical description of Fire Island and its depiction of a remote, peaceful getaway. Reminds me of how it felt to be at the cabin all summer and have no worries in the world. Re: the characters. Publishers Weekly calls the "love" relationship between Alice and Paul saccharine at best. I tend to agree. Unfortunately, I can't decide whether to put this book in my kid's rack or my adult fiction rack with the silly sex scenes. I think I'm going kids rack but may live to regret that decision if the wrong person picks it up.
I have a feeling this is not a book that I will remember reading in another two years but will probably pick up again when I'm bored. New York Times says "would do well under a beach umbrella." So true.
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