I've been hearing in blogland (the place I go to check out & simultaneousy be inspired) that Ruth Reichl is the bomb. And also that the world is now coming to an end with the close of her Gourmet magazine. I had to find out for myself and read Garlic and Sapphires. Here, Reichl discusses her reign as the restaurant critic for the New York Times. The title drew me in but the cover turned me off. Ick. I had to strip the book down before I could read it. And yes, I accidentally ordered large print through Better World Books. Maybe this is a book I'll read again in thirty years when the eyes are shot and trips to NYC are a distant memory.

That said, the memoir was a tad bit self important and vapid. And yet, I have to admit that I was hungry reading it. I have heard of all these executive chefs before: Rocco DiSpirito and Daniel Boulud, for example. Famous haunts like Le Cirque and Tavern on the Green. The book was very cosmopolitan and good background reading if you are a fan of the Martha show. I nearly put Martha back in my Tivo so I could taste the dishes and glimpse the celebrity in person. I will never eat at Le Cirque (never say never) but I feel as if I have eaten there after finishing this book.
I wonder what Reichl will do next? What adventures does she have in store for us now?
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