Matt and I chose the name Maren for several reasons.
One: It's Norwegian.
Two: We thought it wasn't so tricky and would be a good match for Prestegaard. Hah! Apparently in MN the name Maren is not so common. My Dad has given up on the pronunciation and is calling her Matilda instead.
Three: Personally, the name reminds me of my favorite place in the entire world. Marin County CA (different pronunciation but same happy reminder).
Back to the point though.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote a reflective piece called Gift from the Sea way back in 1955. The book still has a lot of meaning for women today. It talks about ideas such as solitude, simplicity, marriage, growth, etc. I'm not feeling particularly insightful today so I'll offer a quote from the book instead:
"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too inpatient. To dig for treasures shows not only impatience or greed but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea.
I have been waiting for little Maren most of my life. I get frustrated every day as we learn each other's temperaments and find a way to trust. I need to remember that the greatest gift my little Maren will teach me is patience and peace in not knowing.
Ha. Jen you are so chill. You're right, though. They do teach us patience and a lot of not knowing. How's it going?! Looking forward to see you soon.
Maren seems like THE perfect name given your reasons for the choice! Liv teaches me patience daily. The thing is, she's so worth it that I don't even mind:)