This is the best non-fiction parenting book I have read in a long time. I don't even know what to say other than I. Loved. It.
Kim John Payne's book called Simplicity Parenting just makes sense. I'm ordering a copy for home and school. Turns out he was a school counselor. I can definitely see using this book in my counseling practice when I return to work.
And now, I'm going to critique the book. I researched Kim John Payne and he's on TWITTER. And he has a blog. Okay, now I'm confused. Where does he find time in the rhythm of his day for tweeting ???
Is there NO END to the information overload that floods our homes?
But he did reference my favorite therapist and author Mary Pipher several times in the book. All is forgiven. In the end, this book may impact me just as strongly as Reviving Ophelia did years ago. It sees the world clearly and offers another option.
I loved this book. And yes, I added his website to my blog roll.