Monday, February 21, 2011

and in other news.

Two major developments at

1)  I discovered I can (IN FACT) get a St. Paul library card as a resident of Washington Cty.  This is good and bad news all at once.  I have a stack of books from here to November that I will never get to read.

2) Maren's new naptime routine involves: gently putting her in the crib & reading her a chapter book.  This is ALL good news.  No more Jewel lullaby.  No more jiggling or rocking.  Just the nice rhythmic read of Little House and perhaps Boxcar Children or Ramona in the near future.

We're midway through Farmer Boy right now and the teacher just whipped the boys from Hardscrabble Settlement.  That Almonzo sure eats a LOT of doughnuts!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Henry said the same thing about Almanzo when we read it... "he gets to eat a lot of food and all the doughnuts he wants!" We told Henry that if he did half the chores Almanzo did that he could eat a lot more doughnuts too! ;) Sounds like a great routine!
    I read A. A. Milne books to Henry when he was about Maren's age... he seemed to like it. (Meaning, he didn't cry.)
