How to Raise An Amazing Child: The Montessori Way

I figured this was a must as we are sending little M to Macdonald Montessori in 5 short months. I plan to borrow this book from Macdonald's library sometime next winter when we'll need it more. She'll be going through more of the "sensitive periods" then (as they call them). In the meantime, I was encouraged me to take nature hikes, keep things accessible to little M and continue shopping at Peapods :)
I love this picture of Maria Montessori who started it all.
And then there was this book. Recommended by the new parent educator.
Your Child's Weight: Helping Without Harming by Ellyn Satter MS RD LCSW BCD
Basically, she encourages a division of responsibility with kids. You provide the food. They choose what they eat. No short order cooking. No playing around at the table. If they're done, let them know when the next meal/snack will be.
Plan meals with 4-5 foods (protein, 2 grains or starchy, fruit and/or vegetable, milk & fat (butter). Cripes, I can barely get 1 food on the table much less 4-5.
Any good baby food/nutrition manuals for parents out there?
I think that philosophy of feeding is where it's at. My kids interest in food has really varied, but I try to keep presenting things and they eat what we eat.