I.E. when she rejected her daughters' birthday cards and tried forcing Lulu to eat caviar. And it really creeped me out when she kept talking about OUR violin or took her daughter out of recess and art class to get in more practicing. But it wasn't so much the actions she took that caused me alarm but the tone. And one sentence the author stated really stuck out: "the truth is I'm not good at enjoying life."
I'm hearing (MPR) that Americans are over concerned with being Happy. Happy. Happy and thus creating a generation of kids that can't deal with unhappy or plain old mediocre.
So many perspectives. Where will I fall as a mom?
Easy book to read and would be an excellent book club discussion. We all have childhoods to dig through.
Interesting. Seems like I've met a lot of those parents that want to protect their child from all of the unpleasant and pain. They'll go to great extents to make happiness. Who wouldn't want to? But, truth be told, pain part of life, eh?