Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Retro Reads

The Dive from Clausen's Pier
By Ann Packer

Here is what I remember about this book.  High school sweethearts find tragedy when the young man is paralyzed in an auto accident?  Carrie busts out of the relationship and finds a new life.

Supposedly, I really liked this book.  Although I'm not sure why. 

My favorite quote: "You are the kind of person you are.  You do what you do."

Not the most eloquent.  I also summarized the novel as "a Bridges of Madison Cty for the younger sector."  Cripes, I wouldn't go back to this book with a ten foot pole.

An old college friend once said this book reminded her of my relationship with Matt.  Which, I guess I understand.  We were high school sweethearts.  But neither of us has been in a tragic car accident.  And I like to think our relationship is not quite so stale as the one in this book.  I didn't know how to respond to her then and I don't really know what to say about this book now.