Thursday, August 11, 2011

the one that reminded me of Harvard

Granted, I am a college counselor . . . but this book (Crazy U) by Andrew Ferguson was AWESOME.  Everything I learned at the Harvard Institute on College Admissions two summers ago was detailed in this book.  I wish I could put this book in the hands of every junior parent preparing for an empty nest.  I wish I would have written the book.  Part research, part memoir.  Better than your average prep book.

College admissions is (for lack of a better term) insane.  It's an industry and there is deception and drama and so much money.  I get nervous when I think how expensive college will be for Maren someday and then I realize that education is changing and fast.  It's just too hard to predict what lies ahead.

Is college the next bubble to burst?  Hmmmm . . . makes for an interesting read.

p.s. yes, I'm very sad that I will be starting a "book diet" next week when I head back to work. boo.  hoo.

the one that has me moving to Paris.

I know, I know . . . . another Paris book.  So cliche.

But there really is something about French culture that appeals and (at times) repels.  I love how French girls consider their skin to be so pristine and "enjoy the physical and emotional value of unfettered, ritualized body care."  I love how they eat cheese as dessert, never the appetizer.  I love how birthdays are simple, at-home affairs with little old cakes and a single present.

They're serious those French gals though.  They know their current events and they would never get caught watching Real Housewives.  Too many museums to hit & ballets to attend.

Here's the thing.  I didn't even like being in Paris.  It scared me a little.  But it also inspired me.  I aspire to "bien dans sa peau" or "to feel good in one's skin." At ease in body and soul.  One day I'll get there . . .