Saturday, March 20, 2010

the one about butchers.

I am BEYOND thrilled about my new book club.  Kate is hosting at her house next week for an eclectic group of girls (non-related except for a love of books).  I'm eager to meet some of Sarah's blogging friends and someone who lived kitty korner from me freshman year in Brandt!

But about the book.  I'm pretty sure I read Master Butchers Singing Club years ago.  It was on my shelf.  But as I read the book again ??? it was so unfamiliar.  I'm hoping this book will cement in my memory now with a lively discussion.  It is a saga of grand proportion and written by a woman who knows words.

Without revealing too much, thoughts I had about the book:
1) What must it have been like to be a German American during/after WWII?  I'm German after all.
2) Has Louise Erdrich experienced death/cancer?  B/C she writes so authentically about the experience.
3)  How in the world did Erich get to a POW camp in N.  Minnesota?  Really?
4)  How was Delphine's relationship with Fidelis any different than with Ciprine?
5)  Did TOO much drama sacrifice character dev?  The female undertaker and Step and a Half?

I'm excited to read Last Report at Little No Horse now set in the same fictional town of Argus.  And I anticipate the next assigned novel for our new book club without a name.


  1. Ah, I'm almost done. Great first pick by Kate!
    Liking the new blog header!!
