Saturday, September 25, 2010

the one I read while in a coma.

I just finished The Widower's Tale by Julia Glass.  I'm not sure how.  I read the novel in fits and starts while nursing little Miss Maren.  I read the book in the midst of a 104 degree fever and at all times of day and night.  At one point, it was covered in bits of Raisin Bran and spit-up.  Gross.

Julia Glass is one of my favorite authors.  I love the language she uses in her books.  Words like fortuitously and hyperfastidiously.  She won the National Book Award for Three Junes and I have been smitten with her work since that time.  She writes like Anna Quindlen and Maeve Binchy.  Knows character development and how to spin a tale. 

I really can't in good conscience review this work.  I loved the stodgy old character of Percy Darling, the "Stars Hollow" town of Matlock and the idealistic preschool called Elves and Fairies.   But my head is just not working right now.  This novel is deserving a space on my shelf and another good read someday. 

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