Wednesday, January 26, 2011

my kindle strategy!

aka: how I will support my book habit without completely breaking the bank.

When I hear about a book I want to read, I add it to my good reads "to be read" list. 
(I need to update this list!)
After reviewing (if I want to start collecting that author) then I add the novel to my list.When I'm in a book buying mood or for holidays, I will buy books online for $1.00 or less.

When I'm done with my latest Kindle acquisition and my stack at home is low, I will purchase another.
Typically, on sale or non-fiction or an author I haven't met yet.

Let the Great World Spin is a perfect example.Haven't yet read Colum McCann, couldn't get at the library and on sale for 6 Kindle bucks.
I liked it, I really liked.  On to the list it goes.

There are no brainer purchases for me.  Don't ever buy a Quindlen or a Mary Pipher or a Julia Glass book for me as a gift.  I know the release date and it's been pre-ordered.  Trust.  I've also purchased the latest Pulitzer and Caldecott and possibly the National Book Award.  I have special spots in my home for them all.

I realize I have an unhealthy addiction to books.  But, I can live with that.  I wear crappy shoes and I only care about the diamond on my hand.  Books are another story.