Monday, January 24, 2011

the one that helped me define my relationship with my Kindle.

Let The Great World Spin.  I turned the last page and was eager to place the book on my shelf.  Alas, all I could do was click the button and go back to my Kindle menu.  Tragic.

I'm on a book run lately but this novel made me stop in my tracks for a moment.  I wondered if the book was only about heroin addicts and hookers.  There is a depth to this book that I may or may not have grasped.

And beautiful words (clipped by my Kindle)
"This is not my life.  These are not my cobwebs.  This is not the darkness I was designed for."

"I guess this is what marriage is, or was, or could be.  You drop the mask.  You allow the fatigue in.  You lean across and kiss the years because they're the things that matter."

"Afterward, Gloria said to her that it was necessary to love silence, but before you could love silence you had to have noise."

I need this book.  And the Kindle doesn't count.


  1. will you decide when you're buying?

  2. This is a huge worry for me and kindle. Seriously.
